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International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 2019


Helping People with Disabilities for Successful Living in Community


Friday, May 31, 2019


Grand Ambassador Seoul Hotel, Seoul Korea

Session 1 - Healthy Living in Community for People with Disabilities
  • keynote speaker : Christoph Gutenbrunner, Professor (Department for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Germany)
  • Integrative Rehabilitation Strategies for Healthy Living of Persons with Disabilities - theoretical background and models from the German health and social system
Session 2 - “Technology for All” in Care and Rehabilitation
  • keynote speaker : Jens D. Strandbech, Project Manager (Health Innovation Center of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
  • Health Innovation and Humanoid Robots at the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark
Session 3 - To Get Ready for Returning Home and to Community
  • keynote speaker : Roger S. McIntyre, Professor (Department of Psychiatry and Pharmacology at the University of Toronto, Canada)
  • Cognitive Dysfunction as the Onset of Incident Depression: Implication for Primary Care of People with Disabilities
Time schedule Contents Speaker
9:30~10:00 Registration
10:00~10:10 Opening Ceremony Bum-Suk Lee (President, KNRC)
10:10~11:50 Session 1 - Healthy Living in Community for People with Disabilities
Moderator : Moon Suk Bang, Professor (Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine)
Integrative Rehabilitation Strategies for Healthy Living of Persons with Disabilities - theoretical background and models from the German health and social system Christoph Gutenbrunner, Professor
(Department for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Germany)
Super Aged Society and Rehabilitation Yoshiko Tobimatsu, President
(National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (NRCD), Japan)
Introduction to Community Rehabilitation and Community Living of People with Disabilities in China Huang Fubiao, Occupational Therapist
(China Rehabilition Research Center (CRRC), China)
Development and Validation of Community Care Model for People with Disabilities Seung Hee Ho, Director
(Dept. of Healthcare and Public Health Research, KNRRI)
11:50~12:05 Special Performance Ⅰ
12:05~13:30 Luncheon
13:30~15:10 Session 2 - “Technology for All” in Care and Rehabilitation
Moderator : Seong Jae Lee, Professor (Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine at Dankook University Hospital)
Health Innovation and Humanoid Robots at the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark Jens D. Strandbech, Project Manager
(Health Innovation Center of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Practice in Care and Rehabilitation Won-Kyung Song, Director
(Dept. of Rehabilitative & Assistive Technology, KNRRI)
Soft Technology that Enables People with Hand Disabilities to Grasp Brian Byunghyun Kang, PhD
(Seoul National University Soft Robotics Research Center)
Development of Gerontechnology and Future Challenges in Super-aged Society Yeongran Park, Professor
(Dept. of Silver industry, Kangnam University)
15:10~15:30 Coffee Break
13:30~15:10 Session 3 - To Get Ready for Returning Home and to Community
Moderator : Il-Yung Lee, Vice President (Korean Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities)
Cognitive Dysfunction as the Onset of Incident Depression: Implication for Primary Care of People with Disabilities Roger S. McIntyre, Professor
(Department of Psychiatry and Pharmacology at the University of Toronto, Canada)
A Clinical Model of Community Reintegration Hyun Choi, Director
(Dept. of Clinical Research on Rehabilitation, KNRRI)
Going Home Project in Parkside Rehabilitation Hospital InSun Park-Ko, President
(Busan Parkside Rehabilitation Hospital)
16:50~17:00 Special Performance Ⅱ
17:00~17:10 Special Performance Ⅲ
17:10~17:20 Excellence Rehabilitation Research Award Ceremony
17:20 Closing Ceremony Bum-Suk Lee (President, KNRC)
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