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Education purpose

Wheelchair experience, visual impairment experience, and convenience facility experience education is provided to students and the general public to improve understanding of persons with disabilities, increase awareness of the importance of disability prevention and convenience facilities, and raise social interest in the welfare of persons with disabilities, thereby contributing to social integration.

Information on education

Education target

State and local government administrative agencies, school organizations, businesses, etc.

Education content

Wheelchair experience, visual impairment experience, education intended to improve perception toward disabilities

Form of education
  • 1 Disability experience education in the Center
  • 2 Disability experience education provided by making visits
    • Lectures for theory education and experiential hands-on education are provided in parallel
    • Disability experience and disability prevention education can be integrated
Education hours

09:00-17:00 (Takes three hours)

Education date

Prior discussions with person in charge

Education fee


Education hours can be adjusted through discussions with the requesting organization.

Education that is provided by making a visit is identical to the education offered at the Center, but the experiential course may differ depending on the circumstances of the requesting organization.

Grounds for education

Enforcement Decree of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities

Article 16 (Education for Improvement of Social Perception of Persons with Disabilities)

  • 1“Educational institutions and public organizations prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 25, Paragraph 2 of the Act mean the following institutions or organizations.
    • 1. Public institutions prescribed in the Act on the Management of Public Institutions
    • 2. Local government public corporations and local government-invested public corporations prescribed in the Local Public Enterprise Act
    • 3. Special corporations incorporated under special Acts
  • 2The heads of the institutions or organizations prescribed in Article 25, Paragraph 2 of the Act shall provide the employees and students belonging thereto with education aiming at the improvement of social perception of persons with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as “education for improvement of social perception on disabilities”) at least annually.
  • 3Education for improvement of social perception on disabilities shall include the following matters
    • 1. Definition of disability
    • 2. Laws and systems concerning human rights of persons with disabilities
    • 3. Behavioral characteristics and abilities of persons with disabilities
    • 4. Methods of communication with persons with disabilities
    • 5. Disability aids and convenience facilities for persons with disabilities
    • 6. Other contents helpful for the improvement of social perception of persons with disabilities
  • 4Education for improvement of social perception on disabilities may be provided by such methods as gatherings, distance learning utilizing Internet lectures, etc., and experience.
  • 5Where the head of an institution or organization prescribed in Article 25, Paragraph 2 of the Act implements education for improvement of social perception on disabilities, he/she shall submit the results of the education in terms of the contents and methods of the education and the number of participants to the Minister of Health and Welfare as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

[This Article Wholly Amended, June 28, 2016]

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