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Leading clinical rehabilitation research for persons with disabilities

The department of Clinical Rehabilitation Research conducts evidence-based rehabilitation research on functional recovery of physical and mental abilities in persons with disabilities. Based on clinical research, the Department seeks to establish scientific grounds on the identification of motor and cognitive recovery mechanisim in persons with disabilities for further clinical applications.

Research Themes

  1. 1 Clinical research on functional rehabilitation of motor and cognitive abilities of persons with disabilities
  2. 2 Clinical rehabilitation research on the recovery mechanism of physical abilities per pathological characteristics of disabilities
  3. 3 Clinical rehabilitation research on the usability and effectiveness about various clinical programs, assistive devices, and community services
  4. 4 Clinical rehabilitation research on integrative and comprehensive approaches using Korean Traditional Medicine

Clinical research on functional rehabilitation of motor and cognitive abilities of persons with disabilities

The Department conducts diverse clinical research on verifications of efficacy and effectiveness that improves the motor and cognitive abilities of persons with disabilities. Studies include the analysis on effects of rehabilitation exercises, novel interventions using the cognitive motor interference in stroke patients, and developments of advanced clinical training programs for recovery of motor and cognitive functions and development of cognitive evaluation tools.

By now, the Department has been conducting research on developing rehabilitation programs for people with stroke or spinal cord injury, and also for children with cerebral palsy. The Department is recently focusing on promotions and applications in the community of the developed and verified clinical programs, so that people with disabilities may get benefits in communities.

Clinical rehabilitation research for restoration of physical abilities per disability characteristic and illness

The Department conducts research that aimed at providing individualized rehabilitation training and optimal services that are appropriate for disability characteristics, and studies on clinical interventions that verify new therapeutic methods, and the effectiveness of novel rehabilitation therapies related to disability characteristics. Recent studies include clinical rehabilitation research that improves cardiorespiratory functions of persons with spinal cord injury and research on clinical intervention related to upper extremity motor using effects of the cognitive-motor interference in stroke patients.

The Department is also working on collaborative research on disability prevention and rehabilitation, and is expanding the research scope to developments of clinical guidelines on converging or emerging technologies.

Clinical rehabilitation research on the usability and effectiveness about various clinical programs, assistive devices, and community services

The Department is engaged in advanced research on social reintegration as developing standard processes of providing supports for recovering patients that develop individualized social reintegration support services in connection with local communities.

In addition, the Department conducts the usability test research about assistive technology that promotes early community adaptations for the people with disabilities and their care-givers, so that the behavioral characteristics, demands, and experience patterns of people with disabilities can be analyzed and applied to the products. By performing such research, the Department seeks to contribute to developments of advanced assistive products that are most suitable for persons with disabilities.

Research on rehabilitation using Korean medicine

The Department is striving for the establishment of comprehensive evidence-based medicine (EBM) by verifying treatment effects and clinical safety through rehabilitation research using Korean traditional medicine. It is making efforts to speed up the recovery of physical and mental functions of persons with disabilities and their early reintegration into society through research on developing a western medicine-Korean medicine multidisciplinary system and research on applying the evidence-based Korean medicine to rehabilitative health care services.

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