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Implementation background and grounds for support

The provision of healthcare and medical services for women with disabilities carries great significance in terms of maternity protection, particularly since health problems that may be insignificant to non-disabled pregnant women can often pose greater threats to pregnant women with disabilities due to the characteristics of their disabilities.

There have been few medical studies conducted to identify the effects of pregnancy and childbirth on the health and disability characteristics of women with disabilities. As a result, women with disabilities have been unable to sufficiently access relevant information on the causes and prevention from the rapid health deterioration that they may suffer following pregnancy and childbirth.

In response, the Act on the Health Right of Persons with Disabilities, which was enacted in December 2015 and enforced at the end of December 2017, stipulates the duties of State with regard to healthcare for women with disabilities, such as the provision of specialized medical services for women with disabilities during pregnancy and childbirth; and maternal health programs for women with disabilities.

Therefore, diverse policies and systems are being promoted based on the said Act in order to increase the standard of health among women with disabilities and improve their access to healthcare for pregnancy anf childbirth.


  1. 1 Development of manual for pregnancy and childbirth for women with disabilities
  2. 2 Organization and management of a consultative committee to provide specialist services for women with disabilities
  3. 3 Standard development of disability-friendly obstetrics and gynecology services

Maternal Health Service Delivery System for Disabled Women's Pregnancy & Childbirth

Maternal Health Service Delivery System for Disabled Women's Pregnancy & Childbirth
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