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Seating & Positioning Clinic

Seating & Positioning Clinic is being operated as the only clinic in the nation that assists disabled people with spinal cord injury & cerebral lesion that spend the majority of daytime sitting, and this will be done by measuring the position of sitting on wheelchair or chair, assess the appropriateness of position, wheelchair and cushion, and afterwards through its relevant prescriptions, position training and assisting equipments.

Bladder Screening Clinic

The reservation based Bladder Total Screening Clinic runs a 2 night 3 day long program performing comprehensive screening at hospital for patients with spinal cord injury, the first of its kind in Korea. It includes not only bladder and kidney functions, but also a diversity of screening items necessary for basic health management. Basic clinical pathological & X-ray, bone density, lung function, abdomen ultrasonic, bladder ureter reflux, and urodynamic screenings are performed, and when necessary, assessment on the sitting position and bedsore ejaculation is performed. After completion of all screenings, 1 medical specialist and 1 resident explain the results with the patient and guardian, and time is taken in intensively consulting on the health status, rehabilitation problem and future required measures.

Bedsore Clinic

When disabled people experience continuous pressure and damage in senses to the same location due to motor disturbance, bedsore is a common complication in relation to sensory disturbance. Particularly for patients with spinal cord injury, bedsore is commonly seen when motor disturbance is accompanied with sensory disturbance, and bedsore is recognized as a serious problem that slows down rehabilitation as well as causing cost factors such as pain, inpatient treatment and surgeries. For this, the Bedsore Society was formed for the purpose of setting strategies and carry out research for the efficient wound treatment and prevention of bedsores.

In the member meeting, discussions are made over measures for normal treatment of wound area and selection of effective dressing preparation, and for this patient case presentation, review of working papers and literaturesㆍbedsore treatment related new product presentationㆍproduct review survey etc. are carried out, as well as regular meeting twice a month.

Dysphagia Clinic

By performing Videofluoroscopy, assessment is made on what is causing dysphagia in specifically which process of swallowing, the currently available dietary supply method(oral, tube) and its supplying content(general food, dysphagia food, food thickener addition) is determined, the training method of improving dysphagia is also determined, to ultimately have the occupational therapist improve the patient's dysphagia based on screening results through position adjustment, oral movement & training, electric stimulation etc.

Orthoprosthesis Clinic

2 cases a month are selected every month by showing plenty of interest in the everyday activities of patients with cervical vertebrae injury, to manufacture and provide customized orthoprosthesis through conference with therapists, residents, occupational therapists and orthosleep manufacturers.

Pain Clinic

Treatment at pain clinic start from precise diagnosis through detailed consultation, professional scientific examination and screenings using diagnosis equipments like X-ray, ultrasonic test. Depending on diagnosed opinion, appropriate injection treatment & medication, scientific therapies are performed, while for injection treatment, intramuscular injection, fascia sharp pain trigger point injection stimulation therapy, prolotherapy and steroid injections are selectively performed. As self exercise therapy can be crucial for certain diseases, the efficacy will be maximized when the patient faithfully follows the directions for exercise therapy. Regarding treatment period, it can completed after 1~2 outpatient visit depending on symptoms, while there are also cases needing several years of intermittent treatment. For pains, fundamental treatment is possible when comprehensively approached considering diverse aspects such as daily habits, occupation, stress and relation with other diseases.

Rehabilitation medicine wholly assesses patient's condition and provides services of diverse methods helpful to the patient. National Rehabilitation Center's Pain Clinic strives to help patients escape from pain and have them recover their pleasant and healthy lives.

Prosthetics Clinic for People with Serious Disabilities

This clinic targets patients in need of recovering chewing function by installing dental prosthetic devices among disable patients having difficulty using private health clinics due to serious disabilities.

  • Crown and inlay
  • Manufacture of single and full denture construction
  • Temporary resin crown
  • Implant (Artificial tooth implant)
  • Treatment period and process : Pre-surgery inspection-1st surgery-2nd surgery-prosthetic device installation-maintenance
  • What is pre-surgery inspection? : Prior to implant surgery, performs various inspections such as oral condition, medical history, panorama filming etc. to see if it's right to go on with implant surgery
  • Treatment period
    - After 1st surgery, time is needed for the implant and bone structure within jawbone to be cured and fixed
    - Completion of prosthetic device implant takes between 6 months ~ 1 year, and it differs depending on the condition of alveolar bones
  • Maintenance
    Regular screening is required to manage the health of implanted mouth, elongate its lifespan and help overall prevention of oral diseases
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