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Healthcare and Public Health Project for People with Disabilities


Commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the healthcare and public health project for people with disabilities has been conducting since 2012 to promote the health and increase the healthy lifespan of people with disabilities.


By developing standard health care programs that are customized for each disabled people characteristic and providing credible health information by evaluating health status of people with disabilities and identifying their health promotion needs, the Department seeks to facilitate improvements to the health of people with disabilities and achieve health policy goals, thereby contributing to enhanced welfare of people with disabilities.

  1. 1 Establish a health monitoring system through health status evaluations based on health indicators for people with disabilities
  2. 2 Improve the health levels of people with disabilities by health service without discrimination
  3. 3 Analyze nationwide big data and publish disability statistics
  4. 4 Develop, evaluate and disseminate evidence-based health care services
  5. 5 Provide health information considering the characteristics by disability type and promote improvements to self care capacity

Project details

The project consists of four themes according to the health needs and necessity of people with disabilities.

  • Evaluate and monitor the health status of people with disabilities
  • Analyze health databases and publish disability statistics
  • Develop, evaluate, and disseminate health promotion programs for people with disabilities
  • modeling and providing health content for people with disabilities
Implementation system
Implementation system

Project implemented by : Ministry of Health and Welfare (Budgetary support, Legal, institutional support )

Group of advisors on health of people with disabilities

Organization executing the project : Ministry of Health and Welfare National Rehabilitation Center (Report results, Develop policies, Provide evidence)


team establishment

  1. Evaluate and monitor the status of people with disabilities
  2. Build and analyze health database for people with disabilities
  3. Develop/ disseminate health promotion programs for people with disabilities
  4. modeling and providing health content for people with disabilities

Collaborating organizations

  1. Relevant organizations, such as the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs/Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  2. National Health Insurance Service/Statistics Korea
  3. Local community health center/welfare center
  4. organizations of persons with disabilities / non-government organizations
Implementation diagram
develop and disseminate health care knowledge for people with disabilities
  • Evaluate and monitor the health status of people with disabilities
    • Develop and validate health indicators of people with disabilities
    • monitor and analyze the health outcome based on health indicators of people with disabilities
    • Build and analyze a health cohort of people with disabilities
    • Policy demand analysis and monitoring of people with disabilities
  • Build and analyze a health database of people with disabilities
    • Build a health database of people with disabilities by unit of analysis
    • publish annual disability and health statistics
    • Conduct in-depth analysis of disability and health statistics
  • Develop and evaluate health promotion programs for people with disabilities
    • Develop health promotion programs by disability type
    • Apply health promotion programs for people with disabilities and develop and disseminate a feasibility verification manual (guidebook)
  • Modeling and providing health content for people with disabilities
    • Implement and maintain a health and rehabilitation information portal for people with disabilities
    • Implement a system for providing health content by disability type
Evidence-based health promotion for people with disabilities
Prevent secondary disabilities and improve the level of health and quality of life for people with disabilities
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