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The International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research is participated in by persons with disabilities and experts from Korea and abroad in the field of rehabilitation policy, rehabilitative health care services, and rehabilitation research, and promotes multilateral information exchange and international cooperation on promoting the health of persons with disabilities and rehabilitation research.

  • International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 1
  • International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 2
  • International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 3

Implementation background

The Symposium has been held since 2009 to publicize, at home and abroad, the programs and vision of the Research Institute on the occasion of the opening of the Research Institute and to address the need for research and clinical information exchange with various rehabilitation research area experts from abroad in order to facilitate rehabilitation development measures for persons with disabilities in Korea.

Purpose of holding the Symposium

  • Give presentations on the outcomes of research that was conducted by the Research Institute, and provide an arena of communication where experts in the area of disabled person rehabilitation research share research outcomes
  • Share rehabilitation research and clinical information with renowned rehabilitation research experts in Korea and abroad and promote international cooperation to maximize rehabilitation research synergy

Major details

The Symposium is held on various themes related to the latest rehabilitation research trends and the direction of rehabilitation policies for persons with disabilities to “improve the quality of life and promote the health of persons with disabilities.” This International Symposium is the result of an agreement among the national rehabilitation centers of the three countries of Korea, China, and Japan, and held in connection every three years.

On the day of the International Symposium event, a poster and pilot product exhibition space is set up to provide an opportunity to hold a demonstration of the outcomes of rehabilitation research that was carried out within the National Rehabilitation Center, including the Research Institute.

Major outcomes

  1. 1 Presentations and exchange of opinions on the internal research outcomes of the Research Institute and the latest rehabilitation research results in Korea and abroad
  2. 2 Exhibition and PR of research outcomes that the Research Institute developed or is working on
  3. 3 Establishment of a rehabilitation research system through sharing of advanced rehabilitation research of various rehabilitation organizations and areas
  4. 4 Exchange of rehabilitation research information through lectures given by invited experts in various fields of rehabilitation and luncheons
  5. 5 Provision of opportunities to directly demonstrate pilot products, which are the outcomes of conducting disabled person-centered research that collects the opinions of persons with disabilities
  6. 6 Establishment of a foundation for building a rehabilitation research personnel network by holding domestic and overseas events
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