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We are contributing to improving quality of life for people with disabilities by developing rehabilitative & assistive technology system.

Rehabilitative & Assistive Robot Research

  • Working on commercialization of simple robotic devices and robotic technology to assist upper and lower limb rehabilitation exercises and everyday life through clinical and translational research based on participation from clinical experts and consumers.

Rehabilitation Robots Business Support Project

  • In order to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and senior citizens, this center supports the testbed operation of the therapeutic rehabilitation robot and daily living assistive robot, and promotes the market and competitiveness of the robots.

Practical Assistive Device Research

  • Conducts research to develop practical assistive devices using mechanical/electronic/computer engineering so that people with disabilities can work and study as active members of society without boundaries.

Assistive Technology Service Center (including Quality Control Center)

  • Provides a comprehensive assistive technology device service for people with disabilities (provide information, advice, assessment, rental, follow-up management etc.)
  • Supports operation of assistive technology service centers nationwide (currently 6 locations nationwide)
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