The 4th International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research
Next Rehabilitation
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Sheraton Grand Incheon Hotel, Incheon, Korea
Contents | Speaker |
Keynote Rehabilitation and Learning Invited Speaker: Z. Zenn Bien Ph.D., Chaired Professor / School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Sience and Technology) |
Session 1 Technology and Successful Transition |
Invited Speech 1 Human System Interaction in QoLT |
Dan Siewiorek, Ph.D., Acting Director (U.S. QoLT Center, Carnegie Mellon University) |
Invited Speech 2 R&D Activity of NRCD of Japan |
Takenobu Inoue, Director (Dept. Assistive Technology, Japan National Rehabilitation Center) |
Presentation 1 Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology and Independent Living |
Jongbae Kim, Ph.D. (Director, Department of Rehabilitative & Assistive Technology NRRI, Korea) |
Keynote Successful Worrier Transition |
Invited Speaker: Brigadier General Darryl Williams (Former Commander of the Warrior Transition Command Deputy Commander of US Forces in Korea) |
Session 2 Rehabilitation of Motor Functions in Stroke Patients |
Invited speech 1 recovery of motor function after stroke |
John W. Chow, Ph.D. Director, Center for Neuroscience and Neurological Recovery, Methodist Rehabilitation Center(Jackson, Mississippi, USA) |
Invited speech 2 Brain Plasticity and Motor Control |
Nam-Jong Paik, M.D., Ph.D., Professor (Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) |
Presentation 2 Congnitive Evaluations for Disabled Drivers |
Hyun Choi, Ph.D., Director (Dept. of Motor & Cognitive Function Rehabilitation, NRRI, Korea) |
Session 3 Population-based Health and Rehabilitation Research for People with Disabilities |
Invited Speech 1 Community and Population Health Science |
Prof. June Hyun-Ja Lim, Ph.D. (College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada) |
Invited Speech 2 Health Demography and Disability Research |
Prof. Youngtae Cho, Ph.D. (School of Public Health, Seoul National University) |
Presentation 3 Health and Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities |
Seung Hee Ho, Ph.D. (Director, Department of rehabilitation Standard & Policy, NRRI, Korea) |