International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 2014
Disability & Health
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Seoul Olympic Parktel, Korea
Contents | Speaker |
Session 1 Convergence of Aging and Disability |
Opening GATE for convergence of disability and aging: WHO perspective | Zafar Mirza (Coordinator, Department of Public Health/WHO) |
Disability makes aging frailty more severe, and vice versa | Hyun-Yoon Ko (President of KAGRM) |
Current situation of aging and related disabilities in Korea | Seong Jae Lee, MD, PhD (President, NRC, Korea) |
Session 2 Strategies for Healthy Life |
The impact of healthy lifestyle on reducing disability at the end of life: Compression of Morbidity | Michael P. O’donnell (Professor, School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan) |
Connecting the dots between persons with disabilities and health promotion resources in Korea | Heejin Kimm (Professor, Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University |
New approaches of health promotion for people with disabilities | Seung Hee Ho (Director, Dept. of Rehabilitation Standard & policy, NRC) |
Session 3 Assistive Technology & Rehabilitation Engineering for health |
Exoskeleton Robotic hand and brain training system for Stroke Rehabilitation | Raymond Kai-yu Tong (Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
Update of research on rehabilitative and assistive technology in KNRC | Won-Kyung Song (Director, Dept. of Rehabilitative & Assistive Technology, NRC) |
Recent trend of assistive technology | Gun-min Lee (Professor, Daegu University) |
Session 4 Rehabilitation sports for Healthy Aging |
Aquatic therapeutic exercise: Clinical practice and research | Taeyou Jung (Professor, California State University, Northridge) |
Measuring physical activity in youth with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders: Identifying data-based measurement conditions | Jeong Irully (Professor, Kookmin University) |
Development and application of rehabilitation sports program on people with chronic stroke | Hyun Choi (Director, Dept. of Clinical Research for Rehabilitation, NRC) |