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International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 2014


Disability & Health


Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Seoul Olympic Parktel, Korea

Program, Contents, Speaker
Contents Speaker
Session 1
Convergence of Aging and Disability
Opening GATE for convergence of disability and aging: WHO perspective Zafar Mirza
(Coordinator, Department of Public Health/WHO)
Disability makes aging frailty more severe, and vice versa Hyun-Yoon Ko
(President of KAGRM)
Current situation of aging and related disabilities in Korea Seong Jae Lee, MD, PhD
(President, NRC, Korea)
Session 2
Strategies for Healthy Life
The impact of healthy lifestyle on reducing disability at the end of life: Compression of Morbidity Michael P. O’donnell
(Professor, School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan)
Connecting the dots between persons with disabilities and health promotion resources in Korea Heejin Kimm
(Professor, Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University
New approaches of health promotion for people with disabilities Seung Hee Ho
(Director, Dept. of Rehabilitation Standard & policy, NRC)
Session 3
Assistive Technology & Rehabilitation Engineering for health
Exoskeleton Robotic hand and brain training system for Stroke Rehabilitation Raymond Kai-yu Tong
(Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Update of research on rehabilitative and assistive technology in KNRC Won-Kyung Song
(Director, Dept. of Rehabilitative & Assistive Technology, NRC)
Recent trend of assistive technology Gun-min Lee
(Professor, Daegu University)
Session 4
Rehabilitation sports for Healthy Aging
Aquatic therapeutic exercise: Clinical practice and research Taeyou Jung
(Professor, California State University, Northridge)
Measuring physical activity in youth with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders: Identifying data-based measurement conditions Jeong Irully
(Professor, Kookmin University)
Development and application of rehabilitation sports program on people with chronic stroke Hyun Choi
(Director, Dept. of Clinical Research for Rehabilitation, NRC)
  • International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 2014
  • International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 2014
  • International Symposium on Rehabilitation Research 2014
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