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Physical therapy is the most important therapy in the rehabilitation process. Physical therapy enables patients to sit down on their beds, get up, and walk around independently. It also enables them to engage in daily life without help from others.

The Physical Therapy Office of the National Rehabilitation Center provides quality services to patients that are as advanced as those offered at overseas hospitals.

The highly-qualified physical therapists with extensive experience and professional knowledge treat patients using a wide variety of facilities and equipment.

Hospitalized patients may receive physical therapy on a daily basis for a certain period, and use various exercise equipments and facilities helpful for recovering physical functions. The Physical Therapy Office provides the following types of physical therapy.

Contents of the Therapy

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy is done to preserve flexibility and mobility of the joints and improve muscular strength. Therapists help patients to rebuild their muscular functions and relearn everyday skills.

Pain and electrotherapy

The thermo-electric therapy room provides heat (hotpack, paraffin bath), ray (infrared light, laser), electrotherapy (low frequency, medium frequency, high frequency), and stretch therapy (pelvic traction, cervical traction). It reduces inflammation and pain for enhanced daily life.

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

Electrical stimulation is provided to promote muscle contraction for functionally useful movements. It is mainly effective for easing cramp, maintaining range of joint motion, and strengthening muscles for physical function improvement, and for retraining the muscles for people with stroke, brain damage, or spinal cord injury.

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