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What Is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is one of the most critical and most important therapies in the rehabilitation process. Physical therapy enables patients to sit up in bed, stand up, and walk by themselves. It also allows them to live a daily life without others' help. The physical therapy rooms at the National Rehabilitation Center provides patients with good-quality service that is in no way inferior to any overseas hospital as well as local ones. Physical therapists with high-level qualification and expertise in the field take responsibility for and treat each patient, with each of various facilities and equipments necessary for treatment. As an inpatient, you can get physical therapy for a certain period of time on an everyday basis and use various exercise therapy equipments and facilities which help recover physical functions. You can get the following types of physical therapy at a physical therapy room.

Contents of Therapies

1. Exercise Therapy

This type of therapy can allow patients to maintain the range of joint motion and reinforce muscular strength.It also trains and treats many functions essential for daily living (lying on one's back, lying on one's side, sitting up, standing up, walking, etc).

2. Pain and Electric Therapy

The thermoelectric therapy room uses warmth and cold (hot pack, paraffin bath), rays of light (infrared rays, laser), electric therapy (low, middle, high-frequency), and extension therapy (pelvic traction, cervical vertebrae traction) to relieve inflammation and reduce pains for proper daily life.

3. Hydro-Therapy

Various kinds of equipment and tools for hydro-therapy are used to relieve pains and relax joints and muscles. Specifically, pool treatment is carried out to help many patients with functional recovery.

4. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

This is to provide electrical stimulation to cause muscular contraction for functionally useful motions. It is mainly effective in relieving muscular spasm, maintaining the range of joint motion, reinforcing muscle, and performing muscle reeducation for patients with hemiplegia, lower extremity paralysis, or quadriplegia mainly due to stroke, brain injury, or spinal cord injury to help them recover physical functions.

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