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Services Provided by Low Vision Clinic

A high percentage of those with visual impairment suffer from inconvenience caused by low vision but live a life without special ophthalmologic treatment due to an insufficient understanding of low vision.
This low vision clinic provides rehabilitation therapy to such people.
Low vision clinic aims at reducing inconveniences in daily life which are caused by functional disorder with low vision to maintain personal independence and make qualitative improvement of living through improvement in productivity.

For this purpose,

1. Visual Functions Rehabilitation for People with Low Vision
  • 1.Magnification - Magnify a size of image through low vision aids
  • 2.Contrast enhancement, light modulation
  • 3.Properly bright illumination and increase in contrast
  • 4.Image relocation
  • 5.Maximum use of remaining visual functions (utilization of eccentric fixation point)
2. Occupational Rehabilitation for Those with Low Vision
  • 1.Training on using signal retinal area
  • 2.Reading and writing rehabilitation training
  • 3.Proper computer and CCTV training
  • 4.Training on daily-living activities in terms of presence and absence of magnification
  • 5.Movement and communication training
  • 6.Non-visual cognitive training
3. Ophthalmologic Clinic
  • Provides basic ophthalmologic treatment for ophthalmologic diseases or abnormal vision.

Low Vision Clinic Program

  • Inquiry and ophthalmologic examinations
    (Identification of causes, occurrence time, and family history of low vision)
  • Examinations necessary for low vision aid prescription
    (Test in consideration of living environment, patients' expectations, etc.)
  • Post-examination test for aid adjustment
  • Prescription of proper aid after adjustment test
  • Revisit to check adjustment and other changes in visual functions after aid prescription
    (follow-up observation required)
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